So this is my face of the day. Totally inspired by the Rocking longsleeved v neck I have on. It can be found at my lookbook site. This is just a simply silver smokey eye, wit a touch of glitter. It matches my top to a t. and looks super pretty on my skin tone.
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Thursday, December 9, 2010
FOTD + OOTD: Pippy Longstockings Reloaded
Posted by Odette at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: AJAX, Astrid Lindgren, Cool mixes, FOTD, Google, JavaScript, Languages, old favorites, OOTD, Pippi Longstocking, Programming, reloaded looks, Scripts, smokey eyes
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
FOTD+OOTD: Garden Fairie
So this is my face and outfit of the day. It just screams garden or forest fairie. The color scheme is blue, brown and green for crying out loud. So ever since getting dressed this morning and doing my makeup I've been flitting around my dorm room. Like a fairie with no wings. lol. My roommate now officially thinks I am insane.
What do you guys think? I think its a really pretty way to go natural with a pop of color.
P.S. If you are wondering about the pair of shoes I am holding they are Blue heel cuffs by Fioni.
I got them at payless for $25
Posted by Odette at 6:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: Color scheme, Dormitory, fashion, Fashion:Shoes, FOTD, Graphics, Heels, Home, Languages, Lisp, makeup, OOTD, Programming, Scheme
Interview Me: MamiChula8153
Now, below you are about to meet Lee-Lee. Don't be fooled by her sweet demeanor, and gorgeous appearance, she is here to change the world and take names while doing it. One Mac lipstick at a time. --->
Kousagi: What are your top 5 brands? And why?
Kousagi: How often do you wear makeup? Do you have any favorite techniques that you like to use or teach?
Kousagi: Are you in school? If so what for and why?
Kousagi: What possessed you to get a youtube?
Kousagi: What kind of jewelry do you like to wear and where do you get it?
Kousagi: If you could be any super heroine, who would you choose and why?
Kousagi: What's your favorite type of music?
Kousagi: Who is your style Icon?
Kousagi: Favorite Fashion icon.
Kousagi: How old are you and What is your favorite color?
Kousagi: Any tips for beginners that want to become gurus?
Posted by Odette at 3:40 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bobbi Brown, Cosmetics, interview, interviews, Jeannie Mai, Jennifer Lopez, Lara Croft, latina, lee-lee, Make-up Art Cosmetics, makeup guru, Makeup Tutorials, mamichula8153, youtube, Yves Saint Laurent
Interview Me!
So, I know you probably won't be as excited as I am for the simple fact that you don't know exactly what's going on just yet. But don't fret for I am about to tell you. I want this blog to be awesome! So I started by doing some research, what readers like to see and things of that nature, and I went to blogs that I love to read and took notes on what made them great. A large number of them had interviews! So, I hereby decree that from this day forward, we will also be including interviews! I already have three lined up. Now you may know a few of them. Bethany Fong, resident costume expert for comics alliance, and the girl with the snorlax dress. Alexandra Grecco, brand new fashion Designer, she's been featured in Nylon, which is my favorite magazine, if you didn't already know. Her pieces are absolutely gorgeous. She has an etsy shop and a website. MamiChula1835, who is a latina Makeup guru on youtube! Fashion, and makeup help.
Keep a look out!
Posted by Odette at 4:21 AM 0 comments
Labels: D.I.Y., F.I.T., fashion, interview, interviews, Learning, makeup, snorlax
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
How teen vogue expects you to spend your holiday.
So today, I opened teen vogue on my computer screen. Why? Because it's one of my favorite magazines. There is always something I can use. But today was a disappointment. I am referring to their 4 Bright Holiday Beauty ideas, which is a feature mind you. This is what they gave us.
Now, I don't know about anyone else, but these all seem to scream DUH! moments. I mean the Red lip movement has been here since the 80's. The electric eye look, on that poor girl actually looks like she's been electrocuted. I have to admit I do like the hair extensions, but I've been doing that since forever. The hair bows just screams contemporary. I'm kind of on the fence about them. I mean, I like the simplicity of it, you can wear them with just about anything, but then, it just seems to be more of that menswear as women's wear thing, that I am kind of despising. I mean yeah, borrowing your boyfriends blazer and sweaters are absolutely adorable, if I had one I totally would, but when you rob your boyfriends entire wardrobe, it kinda makes you think, that maybe you should just remodel your own.
Posted by Odette at 10:18 PM 0 comments
Labels: bright, colors, electric, eyeshadow, fashion, Fashion:Teen Vogue, hairbows, lipwear, red, teen vogue
Monday, December 6, 2010
Makeup Mondays: Blackened Midori
So here's a segment I like to call makeup mondays. It's a tutorial, for a deep black and green smokey eye look. I plan on doing a new one every monday. I thought about doing it on tuesdays, but I'm just not very patient. So Here is what the style looks like.
and here is the video for it, I also place my tutorials, on my youtube page, which is why it has a intro vid and such to it. But the credits show everything that is used in it.
Hope you enjoy it.
Posted by Odette at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Labels: black, blackened, green, how-to, makeup, Makeup Tutorials, midori, post-format-gallery, tutorial, video, youtube
Voule-vous YSL avec moi?
YSL, has been getting a lot of press lately for their shoes. Not only has Disney tween stars been wearing them but they were also mentioned in I'm a good girl by Christina Aguilera for the Burlesque soundtrack. Now they have released a pair of Ballerina flats. Their designed to look like pointe shoes. As a dancer for 17 years, i think they did a really good job. I haven't tried them out, so I don't know if they would hold up as well, however as far as looks go. they are spot on.
[caption id="attachment_13" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="You too can be a ballerina for a day."][/caption]
as seen on the internet road.
Posted by Odette at 4:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: Arts, ballerina, Burlesque, Cher, Christina Aguilera, Clothing, dance, Fashion:Shoes, flats, Footwear, Jordan Bratman, on the street, Shoes, Shopping
3 easy ways to kiss goodbye your exam blues.
For all of us in college, our final exams are right around the corner. For me, mine started today. I took my European Civ and U.S. History exam, being a history major really wears on you after a while. I don't know about anyone else, but I always get super stressed around exam week, and then during exam week I used to become like a super hermit. Unless, you broke down my door, you didn't see me. I don't want you guys to have to go through this, I mean you spent the entire semester, quarter, year, striving to keep up academically, emotionally, socially with your classmates and your professors, So why cave now, when you only have a week left?
1.) RELAX. I know that everyone wants to spend the down time between exams cramming more information into your already overflowing skulls. But that's not healthy. Your brain can only keep up with so much, and you don't want to lose the stuff you already learned. So when you have down time for that day after you have taken all of your exams. Take the time to do some yoga, play some video games, read a litter further into that book, that you haven't touched since the beginning of the semester. Take part in something that calms you down and allows you to be mellow. Use the down time to be down.
2.) EAT. I don't know about anyone else, but when I'm stressed, I sometimes forget to eat. I have this to do, and that to do and next thing I know, It's midnight and I haven't eaten all day. Don't do that to yourself. Make sure you're eating and make sure you're getting breakfast, they don't call it the most important meal of the day for nothing. If you don't eat your not going to have the energy to want to do anything and that's just going to slow you down. Really good foods, are things with a lot of carbs and fruit. I recommend, blueberry pancakes and milk, or apples. On the go foods, are really good because of the mobility of everything.
3.)SLEEP. I know this sounds like a DUH! moment, but a lot of people forgo sleep to get more things done. Please don't do that, as one sleep deprived college student to another, it seriously does catch up with you and when it does it will not be pretty. When mine caught up with me, I missed my take home exam and had to go through extra effort, to get a take home exam, which just made this week more stressful for me. So, PLZ listen to me! GET AS MUCH SLEEP AS YOU CAN!
Just keep these easy few tips in your head as you tredge forward towards your evil exam week and you will be able to escape the jungle unscathed!
<3 Kuro Kousagi
Posted by Odette at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Labels: 3 tip series, college exams, relaxation, self-help
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Crocheted Pendants!
Usually I just make earrings, but I've decided to expand my range, and the other day, I was bored and decided to practice my crocheting in the round and came up with these totally unique pendants! I really like them, and I think they could become a staple to this line. I hope you share the same feelings! Thanks for checking me out!
Posted by Odette at 3:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Hey Everyone!
This is simply a place to browse photos of my fashions.
My Line is called Black Kitten Jewelry and it covers beaded and crocheted jewelry.
You can see photos of everything I've created and if you send me an email, you can get one of your own. ALL Pieces are completely customizable. From size, to color, to the style in which its created.
So if you see something you like simply order one by sending an email to
Also Any photo put up will have a number by it, It is the price of the garment!
Make sure to visit My other two Lines:
Harlequinnbunnie: which is sewn creations, also all completely customizable.
LovelessBunnie: Which is knitted and crocheted fashions, also all compltely customizable.
Thanks so much for Stopping By!
To see new unfinished pieces please visit
Posted by Odette at 12:43 PM 0 comments