Monday, December 6, 2010

3 easy ways to kiss goodbye your exam blues.

For all of us in college, our final exams are right around the corner. For me, mine started today. I took my European Civ and U.S. History exam, being a history major really wears on you after a while. I don't know about anyone else, but I always get super stressed around exam week, and then during exam week I used to become like a super hermit. Unless, you broke down my door,  you didn't see me. I don't want you guys to have to go through this, I mean you spent the entire semester, quarter, year, striving to keep up academically, emotionally, socially with your classmates and your professors, So why cave now, when you only have a week left?

1.) RELAX. I know that everyone wants to spend the down time between exams cramming more information into your already overflowing skulls. But that's not healthy. Your brain can only keep up with so much, and you don't want to lose the stuff you already learned. So when you have down time for that day after you have taken all of your exams. Take the time to do some yoga, play some video games, read a litter further into that book, that you haven't touched since the beginning of the semester. Take part in something that calms you down and allows you to be mellow. Use the down time to be down.

2.) EAT. I don't know about anyone else, but when I'm stressed, I sometimes forget to eat. I have this to do, and that to do and next thing I know, It's midnight and I haven't eaten all day. Don't do that to yourself. Make sure you're eating and make sure you're getting breakfast, they don't call it the most important meal of the day for nothing. If you don't eat your not going to have the energy to want to do anything and that's just going to slow you down. Really good foods, are things with a lot of carbs and fruit. I recommend, blueberry pancakes and milk, or apples. On the go foods, are really good because of the mobility of everything.

3.)SLEEP. I know this sounds like a DUH! moment, but a lot of people forgo sleep to get more things done. Please don't do that, as one sleep deprived college student to another, it seriously does catch up with you and when it does it will not be pretty. When mine caught up with me, I missed my take home exam and had to go through extra effort, to get a take home exam, which just made this week more stressful for me. So, PLZ listen to me! GET AS MUCH SLEEP AS YOU CAN!
Just keep these easy few tips in your head as you tredge forward towards your evil exam week and you will be able to escape the jungle unscathed!

<3  Kuro Kousagi